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Masks for Refuge


The Story  

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Over the summer after I graduated, during 2020, my mental health was struggling due to the pandemic, as lots of people found. I was waiting for my Filmmaking course to start and it had been pushed back to January. I was also living at home in south west London. Thanks to social media I read about the huge rise in domestic violence. It was only small what I managed to do, however, it gave me a purpose where I could use my sewing skills. I made masks out of off cut material and sold them for £5 each, all of which went to the charity. It also took me out of my own small world to appreciate what I had during this pandemic, a safe living situation, freedom to express myself and to make my own choices, something which every person should be entitled to.

Refuge Charity 

Refuge reported a 700% rise in calls about domestic abuse during Co-vid lockdown. 

Refuge opened the first refuge in West London in 1971. Since then we have grown to support almost 5,000 women and children every day, experiencing domestic and sexual violence, female genital mutilation, forced marriage, stalking, trafficking, prostitution and so-called 'honour' based violence.

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